Thursday, January 14, 2010

Waiting for the bus in Maine requires several layers to keep out the cold....for the life of me I can't figure out why Taylor isn't wearing her ski pants????
And there's Megs and Kaleb dressed to "the nines"!! Megs with her scarf....not even around her face, and Kaleb with his hood up.

The funny part is that they are shortly going to get on the bus and melt on the way to school.....

Gotta love those Maine winters......or not

Taylor standing in front of what turned out to be a very pretty sunrise...

Kaleb has to retrieve his truck from the snowbank....(notice swing set frozen in..)

and then Megs standing on top of the snowbank by the shed......


Evansmom said...


Heather said...

Man, I don't miss those mornings!